Aiden's Stash!

Our son Aiden has been an avid rockhound since he was just 3 years old. He has loved rock collecting and sharing his favorite finds with any and all guests that visit our home. When we started selling rocks and minerals Aiden took a leading role in that aspect as well. Not only does Aiden join us at most of our shows but he sells as well! He sets up his "station" and offers whatever goodies he chooses from collection the day before. And to be honest, the kid usually sells more than the adults! When it came time to set up Ash's Rock Stash it was only natural that he be involved and have the chance to sell any items that he wanted. All the items is Aiden's Stash were hand-picked by the little man himself.
Regular price $35.00 Sold Out
Regular price $15.00
Regular price $20.00
Regular price $5.00 Sold Out
Regular price $5.00
Regular price $3.00 Sold Out
Regular price $5.00